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The first two projects completed under the second round Poultry CRC have now been joined by a third. Dr Margaret Sexton has just completed
Los Angeles residents are getting mixed signals about compost.
At the start of this year, Senate Bill 1383 mandated that Californians toss food scraps into their green bins along with garden trimmings, lawn clippings and leaves. But L.A.'s Bureau of Sanitation, which is responsible for
New Jersey, United States – The Ventilated Stretch Film Market report is the result of extensive and expert research into the Ventilated Stretch Film industry. The Ventilated Stretch Film Market report explains what the market is all about, the mar
The Deyell home sits well back from Highway 6 and presents a lovely water view to the back. “In the winter, after a rain followed by freezing temperatures, we can skate on the surface. It is like gliding on glass. Right now, the Sandhill cranes are arriving to nest and rear their young, whos
AMA introduce new research on Global Egg Substitutes covering micro level of analysis by competitors and key business segments (2021-2027). The Global Egg Substitutes explores comprehensive study on various segments like opportunities, size, development, innovation, sales and overall growth of
LAist is part of Southern California Public Radio (SCPR), a member-supported public media network. Hear our news on-air at our partner site:
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It was only a few months ago that we watched the hatching of Big Bear's newest baby eagle live on video as s
The City of Buffalo endured an unspeakable tragedy on Saturday.
According to the Buffalo Police Department, a mass shooting occurred at the Tops on Jefferson Avenue in the City of Buffalo on Saturday afternoon.
10 people were killed and 13 total were shot, according to police.
<Congress. The House and Senate are in recess this week. Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) is trying to find a bipartisan deal on gun control ahead of the planned vote on the issue after the Senate returns from recess. The House has already passed a few background check bills, but House Majority L
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It's not the long-term relief at the gas pump that motorists have been hoping for, but your next fill-up at the gas station should cost you a few bucks less than the last.
Starting tomorrow, June 1, the average price for a gallon gas shoul
His smile is what strikes you first.
It brightened young Micah Tennant’s face so much that some said it looked like he had a halo of light over him.
Then there’s the music. The 10-year-old Atlantic City boy enjoyed all types, singing along as his mother’s camera rolled.